AI Mind Map Syntax

AI Mind Map is base on Markmap.js, so it follows the Markdown syntax. The Mind Map is composed of headings and lists.
Define heading
type syntax example
Level 1 # ...
Level 2 ## ...
## BBB-1
## BBB-2
Level 3 ### ...
## BBB-1
### CCC-1
### CCC-2
## BBB-2
### CCC-3
### CCC-4
Level 4 #### ...
#### DDD-1
#### DDD-2
Level 5 ##### ...
##### EEE-1
##### EEE-2
Level 6 ###### ...
###### FFF-1
###### FFF-2
Please note: there must be a space after the # symbol.
Define list
It is typically used under heading and has multiple list items at the same level.
type syntax example
List - ...
## fruit
 - Apple
 - Banana
 - Carrot
Please note: there must be a space after the - symbol.
Common Usages
type syntax example
Italic style *...*
# root
- *Apple*
Bold style **...**
# root
- **Apple**
Bold and Italic ***...***
# root
- ***Apple***
Strikethrough ~~...~~
# root
- ~~Apple~~
Highlight ==...==
# root
- ==Apple==
Content mark `...`
# root
- `Apple`
Code block ```
# python code
var a = 'apple';
Link <...>
# root
- <>
Link with title [title](url)
# root
- [Welcome to Apple](
Image ![title](url)
# icon
![Apple icon](
Advanced usages
Please view Markdown official site.